What did we just do? The Artist witnessed an event! Now the Artist will
take his mental interpretation of that event and apply the principles of
design and assemble the physical materials to make the attempt to
capture that event in am image of his own creation. A lot of words
meaning that the Artist takes pencil/brush in hand and pours his
impression onto the paper/canvas. If the Artist is concerned with the
physical tools and techniques, the emotion is degraded. The work may be
beautiful for lacking that something extra.
There are three parts of this exercise:
- What the Artist wants to portray.
- What the Artist actually portrayed
- What the Work evokes in the Viewers.
So, what is Art? Art is a creation that evokes a response in those that
experience it. The same woman crawling into a pair of tights/pantyhose
will, generally, not evoke the same emotion as she did putting on the
stockings. One woman applying her eye makeup will evoke different
responses as another doing exactly the same task.
My final advice is for each of us to pay attention to our own world. Pay
attention to how you feel about what you are seeing, hearing, and
touching. How does it inspire you. If the answer is in the positive
range, imagine how you would portray that feeling. Now go make some Art!